
Sunday, May 13, 2012

View from my Roof

In Bucheon most of the roof's of apartments are accessible to everyone in the building. Actually there isn't any security really, so anyone could hop into the elevator, head on up to the top floor, then take the stairs to the roof. People go up there to smoke, sit, BBQ, hang laundry, exercise, and kids often play up there. It's like the backyard, or that little park most apartment buildings have. 

I forgot to take pictures of the actual roof itself, but there are some plants, and places to sit, and its not really that interesting in and of itself. However, I did take some pictures of the view from my apartments roof. So this is just a short post showing that. 

Here is a panorama I took. To see more just click the link to view the photo album. I wish I could figure out how to make this just show as a slide show.


  1. This is a terrific wide shot of the city. It would be better if you had a shot the city against the sunset, Marti. On my part, I visit the rooftop after a hard day's work – enveloping myself in a soothing atmosphere that washes away stress, especially at sunset: the dancing of the leaves along with the breeze, birds flying graciously underneath the clouds of the orange sky and the roaring winds that cleanse one's spirit.

    Kip Whitehead

  2. I did try to wait for sunset but I was waiting and waiting and it just didn't want to come! Then, as soon as I got back to my room, It was dark outside. I'd just missed it >.<. I don't always make it back from work before the sun sets, but even at night it can be relaxing. It helps make it feel like you are not stuck in the city.
